Sunday, November 13, 2005

Almost there!!!

I finally made it to the third trimester!!!! I had to go to the doctors to take my last blood test to check out my glucose and iron, and of course my iron came back low so now I have to take some iron pills on top of the 2 a day prenatal vitamins I was taking, but that’s cool as long as the baby is doing well I really don't mind, and all is going well. You know, when I first found out I was pregnant in June I thought it was going to go by so slow, but here I am. was just flipping through my "What To Expect When Expecting" book and I past by the 4th month and I remember when I was reading that month when I was early on thinking, "Geez I wonder why its going so damn slow to get to the 4th month"...but when I look back on it now, it just breezed on by. I heard that the last trimester goes by slow because you just can't wait, but I think it will go by fast enough because we will be so distracted by Holiday season, but who knows. I finally got around to taking some quick pics of some of the stuff we have for the baby so far, but trust me, its still early. My mother-in-law bought us a whole bunch of stuff and sent it from D.C. like two weeks ago...(SO EXCITING!!!!!!)We just received a notice on Wednesday of this past week that it is at the Post Office across town and I am going to have to send Edward over there to get it because of course the Post Office is only open Monday-Friday 8:30-5:00 and that is when I need to be in all is well. Thanks Ma for all of the stuff in advance!!!!(will post some pics when I get the package)


Blogger Aileen said...

So, that white canister thing...I thought it was a thermos at first. Then I looked at the file name and saw that it is a diaper genie. I googled it and watched the demo at it's website and had to watch it 3 times before I figured out what it does. It turns poo into wishes.

8:56 PM  
Blogger Rachel said...

Well I don't know about wishes, but it sure keeps the smell down to a minimum, plus its fun to see a bunch of poo come out like linked I know gross!!!

4:23 PM  
Blogger Edward said...

I use to like sausages.

4:42 PM  

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